Buffalo & WNY Lawn & Landscape Blog
7 Tips for Preparing your Lawn and Landscape for Winter
Oct 14th, 2015

When the weather starts to cool and signs of summer start to disappear, it’s time to prepare ourselves and our landscape for winter.
Here are 7 quick tips for preparing your lawn and landscape for winter in Buffalo:
- Cut perennials back to soil level and remove debris to the compost pile.
- Consider splitting perennials that have begun to overgrow their placement
- Remove annual plantings in the landscape.
- Add a layer of mulch or organic matter to plantings to help conserve moisture and protect the root systems, especially for new plantings.
- Removing debris such as leaves and other dead plant material from the landscape will prevent the spread of certain fungi that can infect new leaf tissue during the following spring. Removing the unwanted debris will also eliminate nesting areas for critters.
- Burlaping evergreens and coniferous plants such as taxus, junipers, hemlocks, boxwoods and arborvitae. Will protect them from harsh cold, snow pack and those pesky deer that love to feast on your landscape.
- To wrap up our list, we recommend you give you lawn a nice tight haircut to 2.5” the lower cut will help your lawn stay strong over winter and will also help prevent snow mold from appearing in the spring.